Gutter Protection

Starting at $250

Say goodbye to the constant worry of clogged gutters with our Gutter Protection service. Living in San Jose, CA means beautiful surroundings, but it also means dealing with the inevitable buildup of debris. Our solution provides peace of mind, keeping your gutters clear and your home protected. Let us handle the maintenance, so you can focus on enjoying your home without the stress.

Enhanced Home Protection

Gutter protection goes beyond debris removal, it safeguards your home, ensuring its longevity and your family's well-being.

At BAOCS, we're committed to delivering top-notch service and cutting-edge equipment for all your gutter cleaning needs. With a focus on customer satisfaction, we prioritize your peace of mind with every project.

Experience these advantages:

  • Prevents Water Damage

  • Prevents Pest Infestations

  • Extends Roof Lifespan

  • Preserves Curb Appeal

  • Ensures Home Health

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Solar Panel Cleaning

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Bird Control

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